Tuesday, January 14, 2014


How does it feel to be an average in all the areas where you perform. Start the life cycle, as you are born,you blurted out the first word from your mouth at an age when every infant do this,the first step,the first alphabet,then in education from pre nursery to college never failed but never reached the top,till second you managed,and when you prepare your C.V for the first job the education score is average.Participated in debates,essay writing,sports,cultural plays and so on.But you yourself know that your performance was average,nothing extraordinary to make you feel so happy that you go sleepless for nights.

What is this mediocrity all about and how does it feels to be one? To put it bluntly the person who is a mediocre,is in the worst phase. Ambitious to be on the top of the pyramid,striving to be in the bracket of being excellent and still happy that he doesn't slips to the bottom. 

Motivation for mediocre's is hard to find, no quotes, stories nothing at all. But for failures and toppers there is a plethora of stuff which can be read, seen, absorbed which is enough to give you a kick atleast for the moment. Mediocre's are in dilemma from topper's stories or failure's success, because you are at the crossroads and what's going to help you, you don't know. But isn't it true that every success story has gone through the route of being average at some point of time. That every failure has to undergo this life-cycle to be successful. 

That every successful person has to stop at this phase and gradually he move's up. The question here to moot upon is that what the person is struck here for a long time. As it is said a person is all about his attitude, habits which transform into skills which help you grow and sustain whatever comes in your way. What being a mediocre for more than usual time has provided you those attitudes, habits and those distinct skills that neither you can't be on the top nor at the bottom,however hard you try.

The famous former CEO of GE Jack Welch in one of his books wrote about himself,that he knew he was an average person and he chose a lower ranked University for his education though he was selected for Top Universities, so that he can remain in the top of the pyramid in a low rank university rather than  slip at the bottom because of rich talent pool available alongside with him in the Top Universities. Atleast one positive of being a Mediocre, but this strategy should work!!!!!

So the final question that arises is how to avoid mediocrity??????

In my opinion, a person shouldn't compromise. Every person is born with some inherent talents which are polished with time and he should strive to achieve more and shouldn't get satisfied for the moment and procrastinate. There is nothing atleast for the moment, "I will adjust". Few are fortunate who have second chances in there life, amends can be made, but what is stamped on you can't be changed. I am not in a demoralizing mode,just want to emphasize "DONT COMPROMISE". There is nothing like a mediocre, infact nobody remembers a "MEDIOCRE". Only Success or Failure stories are heard and spread. An average story is never heard as it doesn't exists.

Therefore please wherever you feel that you are making a compromise,take a deep breath and try to analyze long term effects. Though it's true that you can't predict the future and you have to take the chances and sometimes waiting for the best, you miss so many average occasions which have the potential to take you, where you aspire to be. Experience is the best teacher, don't take decisions just to satisfy yourself rather be mature and practical. Right from choosing your college,job,switching jobs, choosing life partner don't ever try to settle down with what you have got. Take a firm step and control yourself.Just throw the baggage of fears which you carry and for decision making "Lord Shree Krishna"has the solution.

P.S:- What if this blog also turns out to be Mediocre...:P

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